Undervalue Appliances.ca Water Well Build Campaign

By ordering extended warranty to your shopping cart, you are helping build a water well for children experiencing dehydration, and whom have little to no access to clean water. A $15 donation goes toward our water well build through World Vision for each extended warranty sold. 


Pray. That’s the first thing well-drilling teams do when they come to a thirsty community. They know that dirty water and poor sanitation and hygiene result in the deaths of nearly 1,000 children every day. Help one of these teams drill a deep well and fit it with a hand pump. One well can provide 2,800 gallons of safe, life-sustaining water every day for over 300 people. Your gift will save lives for years to come.


Monthly giving is the most effective way to help the children and families who need it most. It lowers costs and puts more of your money to work changing lives. Plus, your donations will be delivering the right solution at just the right time. And while your gifts are at work changing lives, you’ll get to see the power of your generosity through quarterly updates and the World Vision magazine. We will soon post our link to view our companies listing directly on World Visions corporate partners page. Also, coming soon our donors recognition wall. To donate a larger amount to our specific campaign, contact our World Vision campaign head below.


Newton Vanriel Corporate Engagement Manager | Philanthropy


World Vision Canada | 1 World Drive | Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2Y4


Tel: 647.444.6348 | https://donate.worldvision.ca/products/water-well